Page 4 - Samsonite 2025
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1910 1941 1958 1962 1969 1974 1986 1994
The Wooden Trunk Streamlite™ Silhouette™ Classic Attaché Saturn™ Silhouette Blue Oyster™ Ziplite™
Jesse Shwayder, the company’s In an early use of a new cutting- The most advanced luggage The first ABS Attaché case is As a response to the rising de- The introduction of wheels to Oyster was the first suitcase With Ziplite, Samsonite intro-
original founder, redesigns the edge technology, the Streamlite made up to that time, included created for a new generation of mand of lightweight luggage, the Silhouette frame trans- with a three-point locking duced its first Polypropylene
basic wooden trunk with shiny suitcase is clad in a lightweight a new modern shape with re- businessmen. This sleek case Samsonite launches its first formed the luggage world for system, providing ultimate suitcase with a zipper closure,
metal studs and corner-pieces lithographed paper to create cessed hardware to protect it soon became emblematic for Polypropylene suitcase with ever. The case was a true rev- strength and security. The case thus combining both the ben-
making it more eye-catching a “rawhide” effect. Its tapered from the wear and tear of travel. the early-60s Mad Men-style injection-moulded shells. The olution in travel comfort and was an immediate triumph, efits of hardside and softside
and “strong enough to stand shape is destined to become a executive. Saturn collection was the nif- convenience, targetting a new with 140.000 bought in its first luggage. Sales took off quick-
on.” classic within the industry. tiest iteration of lightness and generation of frequent flyers. year, it was the fastest-selling ly and the market for hardside
strength yet. case of all time. suitcases with zippers was
1998 2004 2008 2015 2018 2019 2020 2021
Xylem™ Spinner Cosmolite ® Neopulse™ Eco Collection S'Cure Eco post consum- Proxis TM Magnum Eco TM
Introduction of the first Samsonite markets the four- Samsonite launches Cosmolite With the launch of Neopulse, Worldwide, Samsonite launch- er-waste TM The first collection made from Meet Magnum ECO, an inno-
Samsonite suitcase in alumini- wheel Spinner, which could be as an aswer to the market’s in- Samsonite further strengthens es 23 product lines that are S'Cure Eco is one of the first Roxkin™, an exclusive multi- vative commitment to Our Re-
um. Its matching attaché would steered in any direction and creasing demand for stronger its production capacity in Eu- made with by weight at least suitcases on the planet repur- layered material developed by sponsible Journey for travellers
go on to play a key supporting toted right alongside the trav- and lighter suitcases. It was the rope. The Made in Europe label, 50% recycled PET plastic. They posing post-consumer recy- Samsonite, offering remark- seeking an awesome, secure
role in the James Bond mov- eller. This innovation radically lightest and strongest Samsonite in combination with a strong reduce our impact on the plan- cled PET plastic waste. The able strength, resilience and and stunning travel partner.
ie “The World Is Not Enough,” improved mobility and conven- case yet developed. Its sea shell design and competitive weight et and give waste a new life as suitcase’s shells incorporating lightness. Proxis is made in The collection is made with
where it was used to tote bun- ience for travellers as they navi- inspired design became an in- advantage are what made this part of our durable, long-lasting recycled polypropylene from Europe, has fully recycla- recycled post-consumer waste
dles of cash around Europe. gated their way through modern stant success and the collec- collection an instant commer- products. post-consumer household ble shells and comes with and made in Europe without
airports. tion went on to win many design cial success. waste, turning a material too val- Samsonite wecare, a unique compromising on comfort or
awards, including Red Dot Award uable to be thrown away into a service plan. features.
“Best of the Best.” high-quality functional product.
2022 2023
Ecodiver TM Essens TM
The ultimate casual collection, Made in Belgium, Essens
Ecodiver combines practicality, embodies a more sustainable
security, comfort and with a approach from start to finish:
top-notch design. Made with made with recycled materials,
recycled fabrics, Ecodiver using green electricity for shell
perfectly matches Our manufacturing and final product
Responsible Journey strategy. assembly, self-repairable,… Travel
The water-resistant coating carefree thanks to the innovative
makes it the perfect choice for 3-point locking system and unique
all your outdoor adventures 3 in 1 packing system.
and endless strolling in the city.
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