Page 296 - uma 2025
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296     uma Economy-Minen / uma Economy Refills

           Sauberes Schriftbild für jedes Budget               uma Economy X-20 Refill, 8-0875
           Die uma Economy-Minen verbinden Schreibqualität mit Budgetvorgaben.
           So muss bei den uma Economy-Minen nicht auf die uma Schreibqualität
     MINEN, REFILLS  Schreiblängen anzusetzen.                 X-20 Kunststoffmine, mit weißem Kunststoffrohr, silberner
           verzichtet werden. Für den kleineren Preis sind allerdings kürzer
                                                               Schreibspitze und Wolfram-Karbid-Kugel (1.0 mm). Schreibleistung:
           Perfect caption for each budget
                                                               ca. 1.000 m. Schreibpaste nach ISO-Norm.
           uma Economy refills combine writing quality with budget targets. This means
                                                               X-20 refill with white plastic tube, silver writing tip and tungsten
           that uma Economy refills do not have to do without uma writing quality. For
                                                               carbide ball (1.0 mm). Writing length: approx. 1,000 meters.
           the smaller price, however, shorter writing lengths should be used.
                                                               ISO-compliant ink paste.

                                                                  1.000 m  1,0 mm   ● ●

            uma Economy Jumbo Refill, 8-0865                  uma Economy Refill, 8-0854

            Jumbo Mine mit weißem Kunststoffrohr, silberner Schreibspitze und   Kunststoff-Großraummine mit weißem Kunststoffrohr, silberner
            Wolfram-Karbid-Kugel (1.0 mm). Schreibleistung: ca. 1.200 m.   Schreibspitze und Wolfram-Karbid-Kugel (1.0 mm). Schreibleistung:
            Schreibpaste nach ISO-Norm.                       ca. 1.500 m. Schreibpaste nach ISO-Norm.
            Jumbo refill with white plastic tube, silver writing tip and tungsten    Large-capacity plastic refill with white plastic tube, silver writing tip
            carbide ball (1.0 mm). Writing length: approx. 1,200 meters.    and tungsten carbide ball (1.0 mm). Writing length: approx. 1,500 meters.
            ISO-compliant ink paste.                          German ISO-compliant ink paste.

                1.200 m  1,0 mm   ● ●                             1.500 m  1,0 mm   ● ●

            uma Economy Class Refill, 8-0883

            Metall-Großraummine mit Neusilberspitze und Wolfram-Karbid-Kugel
            (1.0 mm). Schreibleistung: 3.500 m. Schreibpaste nach ISO-Norm.
            Large-capacity metal refill with new silver tip and tungsten carbide ball
            (1.0 mm). Writing length: 3,500 meters. ISO-compliant ink paste.

                3.500 m  1,0 mm   ● ●
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