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uma Spezial-Minen / uma Special Refills 297
Für den ganz speziellen Strich geeignet uma High Class Refill, 8-0886
Mit den uma Spezial-Minen bieten wir Ihnen neben weiteren
Schreib eigenschaften auch andere Minen an, die das Schreiben in
Sonderformaten ermöglichen. Auch hier müssen Sie auf gewohnten
uma Schreibkomfort nicht verzichten. Europäische Metall-Großraummine mit Edelstahl-Schreibspitze und
Suitable for the very special stroke Wolfram-Karbid-Kugel (1.0 mm). Schreibleistung: ca. 10.000 m.
With uma special refills, we offer you besides other writing characteristics Deutsche Schreibpaste von Dokumental® nach ISO-Norm ISO 12757-2, MINEN, REFILLS
also other refill designs that allow writing in special forms. Here, you do not dokumentenecht. Made in Germany.
have to do without the usual uma writing comfort. European large-capacity metal refill with stainless steel tip and
tungsten carbide ball (1.0 mm). Writing length: approx. 10,000 meters.
German writing paste by Dokumental® according to ISO-Norm
ISO 12757-2, document proofed. Made in Germany.
10.000 m 1,0 mm ● ●
uma D1 Refill, 8-0894
Metall D1 Mine mit Metallrohr und Edelstahlspitze (1.0 mm).
Schreibleistung: ca. 600 m.
Metal-D1 refill with metal tube and stainless steel tip (1.0 mm).
Writing length: approx. 600 meters.
600 m 1,0 mm ● ●